About Me:

My photo
Matt Brewer, 21, is a American musician and artist from Tulsa. Having took his first business/entrepreneur class from Tulsa Technology Center at age 17, Matt went on to Oklahoma State University where he plans to utilize his skills to produce media and short films. Prior to going to college, he spent over a year as a surfer, corporate ast. manager and a avid traveler in California, which is where he recieves most of his inspiration. He is currently working toward a bachelors degree in pre-law/english and plans to direct his first feature-film in the years ahead. He is fascinated by architecture, music, surfing, technology, art and video games (which are shown in this blog). To get ahold of him, email him at userhollister911@yahoo.com.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Modern Interior Design Ideas

bedroom designs modern
If you love soft illumination and hate to sacrifice privacy, this bedroom interior has a brilliant combination of strategies from uplighting around the bed itself to wall panels that block direct views and sunlight but let light in around them.
bedroom designs daylighting

If you love soft illumination and hate to sacrifice privacy, this bedroom interior has a brilliant combination of strategies from uplighting around the bed itself to wall panels that block direct views and sunlight but let light in around them.
bedroom designs ultramodern
If you are more of a minimalist, this simple bedroom space has a rhythmic modularity and combines soft white walls and ceiling with variegated wood furniture and furnishings for a pleasantly mixed aesthetic experience.
bedroom designs funny
At the opposite end of the spectrum, how would you like to have your bedroom be in the middle of your pool room? You would have to loving swimming to be willing to deal with the moisture issues and harsh lighting that would come with this design strategy.
bedroom designs offbeat
There are of course many ways to make a minimalist bedroom design more interesting and not all of them have to be as complex and architectural as these. Still, wouldn’t it be wonderful to watch a tree slowly grow up through your skylight?

white black interior design

What could be the opposite of both clean white and deep black (in terms of design)? A crumbling and semi-concealed set of structural concrete walls, ceiling and beams may be as unlike the rest of a minimalist ultramodern layout as it gets.

black white interior angled design
black white interior angled design

Exposed, aged, chipped and cracked, the original concrete shell of this warehouse condo in Barcelona contrasts drastically with the angular black-and-white ceiling and wall surfaces that shape the interior space, folding and unfolding to reveal and hide views throughout the offbeat apartment plan.

white black concrete interior design

white black concrete interior design

best home office colors

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rules of Conduct

A few rules.

1.Never stop thinking. This is important. If someone ever says to you ‘You need to stop thinking so much,’ call them ignorant in your head and keep thinking deeper. It is this mentality that breeds stupidity and sheeple. Your mind is the most important tool you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy. Question everything.

2. Stare into space blankly and don’t mentally punish yourself for doing it, even if it is for that split second. If you have a problem with staring blankly, think of it as daydreaming.

3. Root Beer sucks after having spicy food.

4. Everything is going to be just fine. If you worry about acne, you’re going to get a fucking pimple.

5. Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. You shouldn’t be afraid of reality.

6. Everyone is a hypocrite.

7. You are all original. Every life experience is case sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or go to the bathroom or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been.

8. Do pointless things. Don’t actively restrain or hide yourself from the redundant.

9. Stop rushing. Shut up and embrace the sound of silence.

10. Religion shouldn’t be taught, it should be found. No one should tell you what to believe except you. And while were on the subject…

11. Don’t be restrained by one religion. People change every moment of everyday. Minds grow and evolve. Religion has no law so feel free to mix and match. Make your own.

12. Going to the bathroom is not a right nor a privilege. it’s an act of nature.

13. Talking to yourself is healthy. Is there anyone that you have more in common with?

14. There is no such thing as time. The sun never sets or rises. Days and years don’t exist. There is only your life. Earlier today you were born and death is predicted later in the evening.

15. We will always be in a transitional phase. Look outside and know that everything will be replaced at some point. This existence is temporary.

16. Its not half empty or half full. Its half a glass.

17. Every now and then take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. Renew its existence.

18. Be happy, but don’t force it.

19. You will always succeed in trying.

20. We are all crazy. Every person you read about in the history books had some kind of ‘disorder’, they just knew how to use it.

21. We are all about as similar as we are different.

22. Ideas are just as valuable as people. Why do you think we keep making people?

87. Numbers don’t have to go in order.

24. Words will always be just words. Love is just another four letter word, only the feeling is real.

25. Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what is important.

26. Prove you’re alive. Do anything from dancing in the supermarket to screaming ‘Fuck’ during a moment of silence. Remind the world you are still here.

27. Don’t take anything, even this, too seriously.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

E3 2011: Batman: Arkham City -- Could Robin Make an Appearance?

For a Batman fan, one of the best things about 2009's Arkham Asylum was the copious amount of Easter Eggs. Even rarely used characters like nut job Maxie Zeus got a nod. With a game world five times the size of the Asylum, Batman: Arkham City looks like it could be packed with considerably more hidden gems. One of the more interesting Easter Eggs we've seen hints at the emergence of Robin.

In the comic books, Bruce Wayne takes a night off to go to the circus, only to witness the shocking "accident" that ends the Flying Graysons. The lone survivor is the Graysons' acrobatic son. Wayne takes him in as his ward, eventually reveals his secret cave, and soon enough the two become the famed Dynamic Duo.

During a demo for Batman: Arkham City, we caught sight of a poster. It advertised the Flying Graysons, with the words "cancelled" stamped across it. The tragedy has already happened. But how long ago? It seems likely that young Dick Grayson is now under the care of Bruce Wayne, but it's uncertain if he's already assumed the role of Robin.

You may have caught this poster quickly passing by in the most recent Batman: Arkham City Trailer. Now we have a clear view of the poster and a number of evasive answers from Game Manager Dax Ginn, who agreed that a "tragedy" did happen to the poor Graysons and their show has "most definitely been cancelled."

This could mean Dick Grayson or Robin might show in Batman: Arkham City or it could be a tease for a third Batman game, one that features the Dynamic Duo. We probably won't have that answer for some time. After all, Batman: Arkham City isn't even out yet. Expect it in October, when we'll at least know if Dick Grayson or his alter ego will make an appearance in 2011.

And now let your mind jog a bit...


Love Styles

Love styles are models of how people love, originally developed by John Lee (1973, 1988). He identified six basic love styles—also known as "colors" of love—that people use in their interpersonal relationships:
  • Eros – a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love
  • Ludus – a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once
  • Storge – an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity (kindred to Philia)
  • Pragma – love that is driven by the head, not the heart; undemonstrative
  • Mania – obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers
  • Agape – selfless altruistic love; spiritual; motherly love

Friday, April 1, 2011


Possibilianism is a philosophy which rejects both the idiosyncratic claims of traditional theism and the positions of certainty in atheism in favor of a middle, exploratory ground. The term was first defined by neuroscientist David Eagleman in relation to his book of fiction Sum. Asked whether he was an atheist or a religious person on a National Public Radio interview in February, 2009, he replied "I call myself a Possibilian: I'm open to...ideas that we don't have any way of testing right now." In a subsequent interview with the New York Times, Eagleman expanded on the definition:
"Our ignorance of the cosmos is too vast to commit to atheism, and yet we know too much to commit to a particular religion. A third position, agnosticism, is often an uninteresting stance in which a person simply questions whether his traditional religious story (say, a man with a beard on a cloud) is true or not true. But with Possibilianism I'm hoping to define a new position -- one that emphasizes the exploration of new, unconsidered possibilities. Possibilianism is comfortable holding multiple ideas in mind; it is not interested in committing to any particular story."

Oh, the Possibitiles...