About Me:

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Matt Brewer, 21, is a American musician and artist from Tulsa. Having took his first business/entrepreneur class from Tulsa Technology Center at age 17, Matt went on to Oklahoma State University where he plans to utilize his skills to produce media and short films. Prior to going to college, he spent over a year as a surfer, corporate ast. manager and a avid traveler in California, which is where he recieves most of his inspiration. He is currently working toward a bachelors degree in pre-law/english and plans to direct his first feature-film in the years ahead. He is fascinated by architecture, music, surfing, technology, art and video games (which are shown in this blog). To get ahold of him, email him at userhollister911@yahoo.com.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This problem originally arose from the practice rather than theory of art. Marcel Duchamp, in the 20th century, challenged conventional notions of what "art" is, placing ordinary objects in galleries to prove that the context rather than content of an art piece determines what art is. In music, John Cage followed up on Duchamp's ideas, asserting that the term "music" applied simply to the sounds heard within a fixed interval of time.
While it is easy to dismiss these assertions, further investigation shows that Duchamp and Cage are not so easily disproved. For example, if a pianist plays a Chopin etude, but his finger slips missing one note, is it still the Chopin etude or a new piece of music entirely?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Less is the new more!

tumedei loft photoGood Design For Living in Small ApartmentsAs people migrate to smaller spaces, good design helps a lot. This is something they figured out in Europe long ago, that if you don't have a lot of horizontal room you can go vertical.
tumidei bed storage photoThis unit just raises the floor high enough for beds to slide under.
tumidei three beds photoThis one looks a bit clinical, but has two single beds plus a pull-out double bed in between. When you read in the New York Times that professional couples with children are moving into small one-bedroom apartments in Manhattan and sleeping in closets, perhaps this stuff could be useful.

tumidei kids room phototumidei two kids room photo